It’s Time to Create Your Content

A frequently asked question that I receive is, “Help! I need web content ideas. Where do I start?” Stay tuned for 3 ways to get started when it comes to blog or website content.


I remember being at a conference about video creation and thinking that the business I worked for didn’t have anything appropriate ideas for video blogs. I raised my hand and said “This is all great but where do I start?” 

The presenter was talking about the ins and outs of YouTube but not about the ideas for your videos. His answer was simple ... “Do you have an FAQ page on your website? Start there.”

If you already have a frequently asked question page, expand more on those questions that you often get asked. Then, turn those questions into social media posts and emails. 

Also, notice how I started this post ... I took something that I got asked and I’m talking about it today. 

This also isn’t a one and done scenario. You’ll have to repeat yourself many times over on the topic as you gain new followers on your social media and email marketing list.

Keep Track

Along similar lines of your FAQ page, keep track of questions you get asked. Put those on your FAQ page 

and then also expand on those questions.

When I’m hosting a training session, I’ll download the chat file after and put it in my content ideas notes section on my phone. Each month, I’ll look for themes and develop a plan based on that theme.

Answer the Public

Answer the Public is a free website and you can put in the topic where it says “Discover what people are saying about …”

I put in “TikTok” and got these content ideas back:

What are TikTok sounds?
What are TikTok songs?
What Tiktok Hashtags can I use?

Along with 60 other content ideas. This is a great tool especially if you’re starting out when it comes to the content game.

Action step: Block 30 minutes to formulate a plan with the frequently asked questions and items you found on your niche to answer the public and develop a web content strategy that speaks directly to that dream client.